Monday, June 20, 2011

3 Killer Kettlebell Circuit Workouts

Most folks start their kettlebell training careers by learning the basic exercises - like the swing and the turkish get up. But, unfortunately, boredom seems to be a common theme - even though the awareness exists of the need to repeat and work on the same moves, the exercises become stale and motivation wanes generally after a period of four weeks or so on the same program.

BTW, this is the exact experience I had when I first started my kettlebell training - I was getting great results, but I was doing the same darn thing every day and was getting bored out of my mind!!

So, once you have perfected your kettlebell technique and honed the basic exercises, kettlebell circuits can be a great addition to your workout routine. They can help you burn fat without sacrificing muscle mass, improve conditioning, and increase strength and athleticism. I've put together three kettlebell circuit workouts to help you get started - enjoy!

1. Pull, TGU, Swing, Cardio Giant Circuit

Start by doing Pull Ups - go to two reps short of failure, or Inverted Rows instead.
Now do a single TGU on each side. Pick a weight that challenges you, but one that allows you to keep good form.
Now do 20 Swings - do two hand, single hand or hand-to-hand.
Finish the circuit with 60 seconds of high-intensity cardio.
Repeat that circuit 3-5 times with no rest between individual exercises and about one minute of rest between circuits.

2. Double Kettlebell Thruster/ Double Kettlebell Swing

You'll do 10 reps of the Thrusters and 20 reps of the Swings. Pick a medium weight. Set a timer, and do as many rounds of this circuit as you can in 5 minutes. This one's very simple, but far from easy:)

3. Swing/ Get Up Descending Ladder

Pick a heavy weight for the Swings and a medium weight for the Get Ups. You'll do:
25 Swings/ 20 Swings/ 15 Swings
3 Get Ups/ 2 Get Ups/ 1 Get Up
Repeat each Swing rep set twice, like this: 25 Swings, 3 Get Ups on the right side, 25 Swings, Get Ups on the left, 20 Swings, 2 Get Ups right, etc.

Kettlebell circuits like the ones I've outlined in this article are a great tool to keep your kettlebell training progress going and to keep you from getting bored. Give one or all of them a try and see your gains go through the roof!

P.S. If you enjoyed this article, you should head over and check out my kettlebell blog... you'll find tons of workout articles, videos, free reports, and much more. To go to my site now, please click the following link:

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